Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Google Alert - technology about

technology about
Daily update 6 June 2018
Last weekend TV viewers in China learned that "the value of blockchain is 10 times that of the internet." The source? China Central Television (CCTV), ...
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TEL AVIV, Israel, June 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VBL Therapeutics (NASDAQ:VBLT) today presented data on its novel MOSPD2 program in ...
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"We're about to use a more cutting-edge technology where pretty much 24/7 we can monitor the players seamlessly," Duncan told CNN Sport.
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What this notion conceals is the role of the Australian Institute for Sport in making Australia world leaders in sports science and technology. The golden ...
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"This is an example of the growing trend of authoritarian use of technology to track and stalk immigrant communities," said Malkia Cyril, the executive ...
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Researchers at Recorded Future, a threat intelligence company, said in a report Wednesday that North Korean hackers have used technology from ...
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The Silicon Valley superstars and tech titans who have changed how we use technology also limit their kids' screen time. And it could be with good ...
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Growing up in 1980s Britain, going to an art museum was a predictable affair: there would be pictures on the wall, a dull booklet and a hushed silence ...
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News headlines often warn that common technologies everyone uses daily are damaging our health. The question is how much damage is being ...
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Wearable technology is experiencing one of the longest gestational periods of any technology. For a long time, gadgets like Google Glass and the ...
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