Friday, 13 March 2015

Google Alert - technology of

technology of
Daily update 13 March 2015
Fast Company
The Moon Landing or Tahrir Square: Which Represents The Greater Technology Feat?
Autodesk CEO Carl Bass and DARPA's director of information innovation debate the historical meaning of technological achievements.
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Wall Street Journal
Why, Hello There! CIA Helped DOJ Create Technology That Scans Data From Our Cellphones
Now, they report that the Central Intelligence Agency played a key role developing the technology used by the Department of Justice that "scans data ...
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WD mounts first gamers cup for press
The LAN party featured the country's most celebrated gaming and technology bloggers and technology media members as gaming competitors, giving ...
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Royal Society of Chemistry
The Oxford handbook of food fermentations
This book provides a comprehensive account of the science and technology of fermented foods through contributions by leading experts. It covers a ...
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Women Helping Women Help Bitcoin
"Bitcoin is a small sector but it's growing so much that it's not just tech anymore," Martin said. "It is now lawyers involved in bitcoin [and] financial people ...
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MIT Technology Review (blog)
What Happened to Green Concrete?
In 2010, this publication cited more environmentally friendly concrete as one of its 10 Breakthrough Technologies of the year (see TR10: Green ...
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Scientific American
The Many Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies
SA Forum is an invited essay from experts on topical issues in science and technology. Editor's Note: This essay was produced in coordination with ...
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The Economist
Technology and universities
Digital technology can make college cheaper without making it worse, says Michael Crow, the president of Arizona State University (ASU) in Phoenix ...
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The Guardian
Halifax trials heartbeat ID technology for online banking
Passwords, pin codes and memorable words could soon be a thing of the past if new heartbeat technology being trialled by a high street bank takes ...
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Aerospace Technology
Japan's space solar power systems project completes test of wireless transmission technology
Called radio emission technology, the wireless power transmission system is said to be the core technology of SSPS, and was tested at Mitsubishi ...
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