Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Google Alert - technology in world now

technology in world now
Daily update 3 November 2015
Trade between countries is now growing at its slowest rate outside of a recession on record - as depressing statistics go, this one takes some beating.
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It is like any other information technology company's development centre in ... temperament of Dell customers from around the world – all real-time.
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The Guardian
Male nipples, it's OK for the world to see. Female nipples, not so. The same is true online in social media circles. The social network Facebook and ...
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With the proper guidance, the technological developments happening now could lead to a world where we replace chemical factories with microbial ...
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MIT Technology Review
Now Google thinks mobile phones will shove virtual-reality headsets like the Oculus ... CEO of Facebook, also thinks virtual reality will change the world. ... The Rift offers a far better experience than Cardboard and has spurred tech ...
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MIT Technology Review
"We've got to teach computer systems to understand the world in a similar way," ... told MIT Technology Review that the system for predicting when blocks will ... It has now graduated to helping power a virtual assistant Facebook is ...
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Wicked Local
... ability, the World Curling Federation, the sport's governing body, is now being forced to actually address similar concerns about a new broom head.
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Now, we're in the world of wearable technology, like Google Glass. ... on your eye, is just one of the newest items in the wearable technology world.
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Until now, it's mostly been limited to theoretical uses. But thanks to a competition that pitted developers against each other to come up with real-world ...
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BBC News
It is now believed to be under the control of Alphabet - the parent company that the former divisions of Google now operate under. For that early work ...
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