Monday, 15 February 2016

Google Alert - technology in world now

technology in world now
Daily update 15 February 2016
I know this is a technology publication, but this is a technology election .... the free-for-all childish dust-up we now find ourselves in remains to be seen.
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Ars Technica
Getting ahead of that problem now, before the technology becomes entrenched—known as the Collingridge dilemma—is extremely important, ...
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Our current technology might seem like sci-fi to people living 100 years ago. ... How will our world change over the next 100 years? How will we live, ...
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Security Intelligence
Fujitsu Laboratories and Fujitsu Laboratories of America have now developed the world's first encryption technology that enables the matching of data ...
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We have documented, analyzed and shown off the Israeli startup scene to the rest of the world. Now, it's time to bring that scene to the tech mecca of ...
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However, with the advent of wireless charging technology, it's now easier to charge your smartphone battery anywhere. These smartphone uses the Qi ...
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Daily Star
4K TVs are plummeting in price but the technology in these cheaper sets ... Many of the world's biggest tech companies are now launching the next ...
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