Saturday, 16 April 2016

Google Alert - technology about

technology about
Daily update 16 April 2016
Vanity Fair
But the technology ultimately cannot be stopped." Referring to the potential to help find solutions for privacy issues, he later added: "If you could create ...
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India and the US, at the latest meeting on defence-related matters, promised to continue engagement but disagreed on issues of transfer of technology ...
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Many people take it as an article of faith that technology is changing the world, but in his new book, The Rise and Fall of American Growth, economist ...
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We like to talk a good game in technology about not being biased against women and minorties. We lie. For example, by the end of 2016, fewer than ...
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In 2015, he was ranked by LinkedIn as one of its "Top Voices in Technology," while also being named one of the "Top Influential Tech Leaders on ...
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New York Times
Each Saturday, Farhad Manjoo and Mike Isaac, technology reporters at The New York Times, review the week's news, offering analysis and maybe a ...
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I had a chance to see Anri Sala's wonderful Ravel Ravel Unraveled again in New York City this past weekend. I had seen it first at the Venice Bienale ...
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The Guardian
The MPs report found that customers had 'very few rights' and must be given more powers to act if broadband speeds do not reach the levels ...
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To reflect a shift in strategy, ToyTalk has now changed its name to PullString; while it will still use its technology for toys, it will also market its authoring ...
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Tech Times
Forget about smartwaches. The newest breakthrough in biomedical technology turns the body into a screen, displaying important health information.
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