Friday, 18 November 2016

Google Alert - technology of

technology of
Daily update 18 November 2016
Magneti Marelli recently won the "Motorsport Technology of the Year" award for its high speed safety camera at the Professional Motorsport World ...
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But now that today's kids grow up in a world saturated with technology, do they expect their toys to be a bit cleverer too? Famous toy retailer Hamleys ...
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The future of Incorporated is divided between chaos and purported paradise, but the most insidious element of the world is the way in which the future ...
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The bank also said investment will be made in new technology such as blockchain. The expansion appears to buck the global trend of banks ...
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According to their website, the award programs were created to reward and recognize service providers and technology innovators across those three ...
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Recent implementations of new technologies to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) ...
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"This is the first time that we're aware of that virtual reality display technology has been merged and married with the ride technology of a drop tower ...
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The technology allows financial institutions to collect, process and verify documents and the identity of new applicants in less than five minutes.
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"We acquired the company in order to secure relevant technology in preparation for the messaging market moving toward RCS," said a representative ...
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NASA, as the premiere space agency in the U.S., is expected to have the most advanced equipment and technologies. However, it is surprising to find ...
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