Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Google Alert - technology about

technology about
Daily update 3 January 2017
But the technology can eliminate human errors that cause 94 percent of crashes and cut the 100 highway deaths in the U.S. every day, he said.
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LG also intriguingly claims that Nano Cell technology reduces issues such as color fading, image instability and other potential LCD color degradation ...
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"This technology should aim to convert agri and biowaste to energy to provide electricity," Modi said. "The role of science in governance has never ...
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Scraping the water off your hands with blades of air is great, but what if Dyson's hand dryer technology could be applied on a larger scale? What better ...
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Clients and readers have been talking to me about a healthier and happier tech life – in and out of the office – so since we're in a new year I thought I ...
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The UK government's lack of support for start-ups attending the CES tech show is a "source of embarrassment", according to the event's organiser.
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This trend, of course, reflects how new technology is radically changing many traditional businesses. Developments like connected homes and ...
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More to the point, the exploitation of computer technology for commercial gain by a relatively small number of individuals is often pointed to as a prime ...
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"Women were instrumental in the birth of games and tech but our generation is still very much dealing with the hangover of being told it's not for us and ...
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