Monday, 16 October 2017

Google Alert - technology of

technology of
Daily update 16 October 2017
Two state lawmakers sent a letter to a Mahoning County school district last month calling on the district to refund a mandatory $70 technology fee ...
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All the top tech from the last week, including new Humpback Whale wheels, a retail date for Shimano's long awaited power meter and much more ...
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Keeping track of renewable-energy certificates is one of dozens of potential applications of blockchain technology that could solve data management ...
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The introduction of new technologies can often result in dramatic, and largely unforeseen, effects on societies, disrupting established patterns of doing ...
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It's been a fascinating couple of years for high tech sneaker heads, between self-lacing Nikes and Adidas' experiments with 3D printed midsoles and ...
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He knew it was progressive and incurable; that he would soon become unable to move and, in his case, speak. He is using eye-gaze technology to tell ...
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Over the last as 10 years electronic health records (EHRs) became the required technology of medical practice, but EHR complexity remains an issue ...
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Over 300 people were killed and more than 300 others injured when a truck exploded on Saturday (Oct. 14) at a busy intersection in the Somali capital ...
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Andrade invented a critical piece of the technology that permits any necessary tracing and tracking of the identities of the cryptocurrency's senders and ...
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Huawei aims to distinguish itself through technological advances that will put it on a level playing field with the most coveted premium-priced devices, ...
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