Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Google Alert - technology of space

technology of space
Daily update 14 February 2018
As challengers mature into leading players, we believe we are entering a third phase in the evolution of real estate technology. The businesses that define the emerging third phase of real estate technology are likely to look more like the earliest technology businesses in the space - more complementary ...
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Plans for Stennis Space Center to build out an 1,100-acre technology corridor have sparked interest among possible partners, and one of the space center's top officials sees the corridor as a way for Stennis to continue fulfilling its promise of regional economic development. Randy Galloway, the center's ...
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(Space is for peace and cooperation … right?) Nevertheless, when it comes to space exploration, China has mostly medaled bronze. Third country to achieve independent human spaceflight. Third to send women to space using homemade technology. Third to staff a crewed space station. Third to slide ...
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Baffert also announced a big Africa Tech space with a dedicated conference track, country pavilions and more. You'll hear about African startups and innovations during the entire event. On the first two days, VivaTech is mostly a business conference. But on the third day, anyone can go to the event.
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... forecasts every 6 hours and improve snow-prediction models for mountainous terrains, NASA has partnered with 20 agencies from about a dozen countries to collect weather data during the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, according to a recent statement from the space agency.
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Those capabilities include (ASAT) missiles, satellites capable of performing kamikaze-style attacks, jamming technology, and "directed-energy weapons" that could "blind or damage sensitive space-based optical sensors, such as those used for remote sensing or missile defense." China and Russia ...
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And a documentary has also suggested the anti-gravity technology, allegedly captured and tested by the United States after the war, was the 'UFO' people say they saw in the 1947 Roswell Incident. Hitler is said to have ordered the development of the technology as part of a secret Nazi space ...
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CARS.COM — BMW's lineup of "sports activity coupes" (read: fancy way to say SUV) gets another update with a complete redesign of the X4 for 2019. This is the second generation of the X4, which originally debuted for the 2015 model year. It keeps much of the same shape and aesthetic, with a ...
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"Beyond Bitcoin: Emerging Applications for Blockchain Technology," scheduled to begin on Wednesday at 10 a.m. EST, is likely to constitute a broad ... Aides to the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, which will oversee the hearing, indicated that the effort is exploratory in nature, and will not ...
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The latest example of that came Wednesday morning at Nova Place, where business, government, and foundational executives helped open CoLab18, a new programming space where people can gain tech skills, learn about entrepreneurship, network, collaborate, and much more in the heart of ...
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Unravelling Technology Ep 094 - Teslas in Space
Why did Elon Musk send a car into space? Was Elon inside the spacesuit the whole time? How easy is it to parallel park in space? These questions and more answered on the Unravelling Technology podcast!
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