Monday, 14 May 2018

Google Alert - technology about

technology about
Daily update 14 May 2018
Facial recognition technology – which enables the automatic identification of an individual from a secure database of digital images – has become part ...
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Rising security requirements will lead innovators to create solutions to suffice the need of safe environments in the country. Similarly, technological ...
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NEW DELHI: Technology major IBM said that top Indian telecom service providers are set to deploy blockchain technology-based platforms this year ...
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"If you're someone who believes in the woo-woo, as I do-do," she says, "amethyst is supposed to be one of the crystals that neutralizes technology, ...
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With awareness surrounding dementia steadily increasing, innovative technology has begun to transform the way in which healthcare operators ...
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Asked if Centre City New World was using a facial recognition surveillance system, Ms Laird said the technology was used in some of its stores, but ...
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Recently Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, First Deputy Prime Minister, President of the Council for Economic and ...
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NAPLAN testing starts this week. With calls for a review and one of the world's leading education experts calling the writing portion "the worst one of ...
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Deep learning may be one of the most overhyped of modern technologies, but there is a good chance that it will one day become the secret sauce in ...
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