Friday, 8 June 2018

Google Alert - technology about robot

technology about robot
Daily update 8 June 2018
Østergaard is the co-founder and chief technology officer at Universal Robots, where he directs the development of Universal Robots'collaborative ...
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Imagine if your colleague wasn't a human, but instead a robot. ... than half (59%) of manufacturers are already using some form of robotics technology.
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INTEGRA Biosciences believes that scientists deserve the tools to make their lives in the lab easier, faster and more productive, whether they're ...
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However, speaking at the EmTech Next event at Massachusets Institute of Technology, Amazon Robotics' chief technologist Tye Brady admitted that ...
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... dangers of artificial intelligence, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have now created the world's first 'psychopath' robot.
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Members of the U.S. Army will soon possess the lethality of fictional cyborgs in the battlefield with the robotic third arms, hips, and knees technology.
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Humans will learn to confide in their robot friends, says AI expert ... Children are already learning unconsciously to use technology that is available ...
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St. Joe's team competed at the FIRST Robotics Finger Lakes Regional Competition in March at Rochester Institute of Technology and finished 12th out ...
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Robots appear to be in the middle of a gradual but persistent transition from automated tools that perform specific tasks to artificially intelligent entities ...
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NASA scientists emphasized there could be non-biological explanations for both discoveries made by the Curiosity rover at a site called Gale crater.
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