Thursday, 7 June 2018

Google Alert - technology of science

technology of science
Daily update 7 June 2018
Unlike technology that requires the user to interpret and explain insights from data, Narrative Science's NLG platform, Quill communicates the way ...
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While scientists monitored Big Island lava flows in 1955 and 1960, equipment then was far less sophisticated. Given new technology, they can now ...
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So today, we honor a true medical pioneer." President Nelson was one of four recipients who received Governor's Medals for science and technology.
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"Iran's capability in nuclear technology shows its scientific power," Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said in a late night ...
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"We're transforming Bangladesh Council for Science and Industrial Research (BCSIR) into as a centre of excellence as well as a centre for technology ...
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In the present study, a research group led by Professor KyungCheol Choi from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), ...
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To address the shortfall of tech and science workers in the U.S., employers and educators should broaden their definition of who can excel in those ...
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We've all heard them before and it all seems to be good advice—if you actually do it. But science and technology are adding another important "spin" ...
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The National University of Science and Technology will be admitting students in September 2018. The Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) had ...
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In the present study, scientists at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have developed a photocatalytic material called a pyrochlore oxyfluoride ...
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