Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Google Alert - technology of

technology of
Daily update 4 September 2018
The Delhi government's home department is looking at a 'microdot technology' to curb incidents of motor vehicle thefts in the city, an official said.
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A lot of research and development is currently being conducted and countless man hours being invested in making blockchain technology accessible ...
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Certainly not—and modern technology agrees. Below are a number of intelligent devices that will allow anyone to cultivate to their heart's desire within ...
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US tech giant Google announced on Monday that it is employing a new artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to combat online spreading of contents ...
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The upgraded technology was slated to be installed in May. The delay has pushed back the October launch of truncated operations from Sector V to ...
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Until recently, most classrooms across the globe were unchanged by innovative technology. However, with children who have grown up with ...
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Researchers who carried out a detailed study found the dawn of the technological age is reversing the old tradition of grans and granddads passing ...
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Technology is going to fundamentally transform the banking industry over the coming years, a former Barclays CEO told CNBC on Monday.
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Hence, the minister says, Punjab also needed to adopt the technology being used by countries like Finland where automatic speed surveillance ...
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Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, stated back in May that any platform that is seeking to put forward a complete financial offering will incorporate ...
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