Saturday, 2 February 2019

Google Alert - technology of science

technology of science
Daily update 2 February 2019
A student start-up Jhatayu, mentored by Assistant Professor CS Karunakaran, School of Aeronautical Sciences, Hindustan Institute of Technology and ...
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Member Secretary, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, S. Pradeepkumar said the KSC would come up with a report on ...
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Researchers at the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) in Japan have demonstrated that a specific material can act as an efficient battery ...
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More than four years since the last hike in research fellowship, on January 30, the Ministry of Science and Technology announced a 24-25% hike in ...
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Through his pioneering use of small satellite technology to accurately detect and document evidence of human rights violations, Andrew Marx of the ...
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The three-day Tech Policy Boot Camp, organized through Princeton's ... of majors including computer science, African American studies, philosophy, ...
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GATE 2019: The Engineering Science paper of GATE exam is a golden ... Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc).
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TWIST (This Week in Science & Technology): Jan. ... For over 70 years, scientists have been predicting the existence of a certain kind of object in the ...
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Can the company that revolutionized search technology, do the same for, shoes? Apparently, Google's life sciences spin-off, Verily, might take a shot.
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China's nuclear submarines may be stealthier and better able to communicate in the deep ocean after progress was made on key technology, ...
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Science Technology And Society
Bristol's newest list will focus on how our social, political and economic relations are shaped by science and technology. Transdisciplinary in nature ...
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