Thursday, 4 April 2019

Google Alert - technology of space

technology of space
Daily update 4 April 2019
All space technologies are potentially capable of dual-use i.e. for civilian and military applications. The technology used for launching satellites into ...
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As a staunch space-program advocate and aeronautics-technology buff, whose eyes filled with tears of pride watching Neil Armstrong set foot on the ...
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Using satellite derived information from the UK Space Agency's Forests 2020 Project, led by the space information company Ecometrica, the new ...
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Dept of Space, ISRO refuse to free up 28 GHz band for 5G rollout ... 28 GHz band, the coveted spectrum for the next-generation wireless technology.
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With the launch of 11 satellites from one space vehicle, India displayed its prowess in space technology in the year 2008. In February, 2013 with the ...
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The most concrete clues to the Russian's plans to make sure astronauts can get clean clothing is an entry in a corporate space technology journal that ...
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The country's peak research agency is nudging the newly stood up space agency in the direction of space technology R&D, rather than sending a man ...
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Founded by Gadhadar Reddy, Benguluru-based NoPo Nanotechnologies is driven by a vision to enable every human being to access space, but this ...
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