Friday, 6 September 2019

Google Alert - technology of

technology of
Daily update 6 September 2019
Technology evolution is always exponential but it feels like it's speeding up, particularly over the last five years. With the rise of 4G adoption and ...
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In a blog post, Mike Schroepfer, Chief Technology Officer at Facebook said the goal of the challenge is to create technology that is open source that ...
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That's why Kuhlman was so thrilled when her father, Phil, gave her a drone for graduation from the MSU Institute of Agricultural Technology, or IAT, ...
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Building on the successes of our Munich Center for Technology in Society, we will step up and diversify the inclusion of humanities and social ...
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Qualcomm has applied for licenses to continue selling its technology to Chinese tech giant Huawei, which has been placed on a U.S. entity list ...
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Dr Ng received his award at the APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI) Meeting held in Chile last month. "I feel very ...
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HR must consider the implications of new technology for talent development and also embrace the possibilities of new HR-related technologies.
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On September 5, when talking to Shanghai-based news site The Paper, Léi Cháozī 雷朝滋, director of the Science and Technology Department of ...
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WATCH: The epidemic of distracted driving causes countless collisions and deaths every year. A Calgary family has developed a technology that will ...
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The technology builds on the Vikings previous artificial intelligence platform, in which fans could communicate with a virtual assistant through the ...
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Introducing 'Hustlin' Tech' — Our Guides to Technology for Hustlers
Meanwhile, new technology platforms are creating opportunity for people with talent but with none of the prerequisites to navigate the old system.
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