Friday, 2 April 2021

Google Alert - technology of science

technology of science
Daily update 2 April 2021
Sumon Chakraborty is a faculty member at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur's department of mechanical engineering. READ FULL ...
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Newswise — Russian researchers have developed an inexpensive, safe, and reliable packed eggs surface disinfection technology. This technology ...
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... legislation that would expand the National Science Foundation (NSF) and strengthen the U.S. science and technology research ecosystem.
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Moscow [Russia], April 2 (ANI): Russian researchers have developed an inexpensive, safe, and reliable packed eggs surface disinfection technology ...
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Science and technology has seen a boom, particularly post the COVID-19 pandemic hit us, and it is a proud moment for our nation to acknowledge ...
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The professors and students of the Solar Energy Research Cell (SERC), School of Electrical Engineering, VIT, did this under a project Intelligent Off-Grid ...
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Firstly, they collaborated with a company in the bio-technology industry to carry out the project under Dr Nguyen Thuy Vy, head of the genetics ...
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While efforts to address bias and promote fairness in technologies are rapidly growing in a variety of technical disciplines, Achuta Kadambi argues that ...
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And, says Chris Field, a climate scientist at Stanford University and chair of the committee, "Learning more about these technologies shouldn't be seen ...
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Nine innovative business-led research partnerships backed with over £75 million to develop new technologies; partnerships led by Unilever, EDF and ...
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