Wednesday 27 May 2015

News Digest: Wipro chairman Azim Premji's package drops 55%, CEO TK Kurien's up 33%

Thursday, May 28, 2015
Today's Headlines

Wipro chairman Azim Premji's package drops 55%, CEO TK Kurien's up 33%
Azim Premji saw a sharp decline in his commission and variable payout that reduced to $513,296 in the last fiscal compared to $1.17 million previously.

I/O 2015: Google is playing catchup with Facebook, Microsoft
Google's biggest conference of the year, Google I/O, is happening May 28-29, and the company has one big area where it needs to catch up with competitors: Virtual reality.

Micromax Canvas LapTab: An affordable Windows two-in-one
Is the Canvas LapTab a better 2-in-one device than the Cain? Can it replace a laptop? We try to find out in our review.

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