Saturday, 3 October 2015

Google Alert - technology of

technology of
Daily update 3 October 2015
BANGKOK, Oct. 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, one of the leading educational institutions of ...
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BBC News
Well, like any good technology, the driverless car technology just works. As much as I'd like to write here about the white-knuckle "Oh my gosh, there's ...
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Financial Times
Apple has acquired a UK-based start-up whose artificial-intelligence software helps computers and people speak to each other in a more natural ...
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Yahoo Tech
It's a good weekend movie option for anyone, but I'd contend it's a must-see for any self-respecting technology nerd. (Caution: Mild spoilers ahead.).
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The Drum
For those who are in the business of using tech to outsmart consumers, the line between ethics and business will surely naturally blur. Look at the ...
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A version of this essay was originally published at Tech.pinions, a website dedicated to informed opinions, insight and perspective on the tech industry ...
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My commonplace tale reflects a peculiar paradox in a country that prides itself on having some of the most cutting-edge technology in the world — just ...
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The Wire
It has also said that it will work to build an international architecture for diffusion of cutting edge technologies, as well as collaborative research and ...
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Faculty Focus (blog)
The Sloan Consortium (now Online Learning Consortium) predicts this trend toward an increased usage of technology will continue into the ...
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