Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Google Alert - technology about

technology about
Daily update 8 November 2016
Said differently, as of Oct. 19, Clinton attracted 97 percent of big tech money, with the remaining 3 percent split between Trump, Libertarian Gary ...
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Tina Nguyen: Nick, this election seems like the first in which the tech and political worlds collided. Back in 2008, tech's place in the election felt ...
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But it was yet another illustration of how bad some technology adverts are, and how many tech companies simply don't know how to market their ...
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Throughout the campaign, both candidates have done a pretty poor job of explaining their tech policies, so you could be forgiven for assuming neither ...
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Two technologies have loomed so large in this election that without them, we would almost undoubtedly have had an entirely different campaign ...
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But the mismanagement and mishandling of this valuable technology has led to the development of immunity among pests against the killer gene, ...
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Even though less than 10 percent of Spanish wineries use advanced technologies now commonly seen in places like Australia and the United States, ...
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As the race continues to pick up more subscribers for streaming music services, TechCrunch has learned that one of the most prominent players in the ...
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The sensor technology, researchers say, can quickly and accurately identify what compounds are present, and approximately how much.
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Representatives from Imperial are travelling to Morocco to attend the United Nations climate change conference (COP22), which starts today. For two ...
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