Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Google Alert - technology of science

technology of science
Daily update 8 November 2016
... a significant number of social media posts are generated by robots. CBC Radio technology columnist Dan Misener looks at the rise of "political bots.
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MCLEAN, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alion Science and Technology announced today that its software development and services practices have once ...
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NORTH KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A former North Kansas City School District student is back in class to inspire current students with his love of science ...
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Others are worried about the broader implications of the science on the general workforce because of the advance of an unregulated technology.
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Small-satellite technology has led to innovations in how scientists approach Earth observations from space. Scheduled to launch this month, RAVAN, ...
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New Delhi, Nov 8 (IBNS): A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and the ...
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VietNamNet Bridge - A new farm produce preservation technology has been invented by scientists from the Hanoi University of Technology.
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The IT also offers a range of tech and computer-related programmes including a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Games Development.
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Technology helping to make horticulture more attractive ... New Zealand is a global leader – required greater emphasis on technology and science.
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"The present Indo-UK cooperation in science and technology is driven by 'high quality' and 'high impact' research partnerships. In less than two years' ...
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